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How do I care for my Eyelash Extensions?
Care must be taken not to rub eyes, or scratch. Any creams, eye makeup removers, lotions, or cleansers containing oils can loosen the bond of the Eyelash Extensions. Care must also be taken to apply eye cream sparingly and avoid the lash line area. When taken a shower, close eyes tight to avoid direct water hitting the extensions and knocking them off.

Can I add mascara to my Eyelash Extensions?
Generally, mascara is not needed after Eyelash Extensions, but water soluble mascara can be worn. However, constant use of mascara may shorten the life-span of the lashes. The use of waterproof mascara IS NOT RECOMMENDED as it will dissolve and weaken the bond of the lashes.


Can I wear mascara after the perm?
Yes, it may be used, but is not necessary
How to take care after a lash perm?
Minimize the lashes touching water for first 24 hours, as water may soften the perm. After that, it's maintenance free.


How to take care after a lash tint?
None, it is maintenance free.
Will it look like mascara?
No, as tinting only darkens the lashes, not thicken or lengthen the lashes.


Are there any pre-procedure cares before my appointment?

Yes, they are:
1. Avoid caffeine, which is a stimulant, prior to the procedure.
2. For women, getting the procedure done during your period can make you hyper-sensitive.
3. If you have cold sores, consult with you physician prior to making an appointment.
4. Check with your physician prior to the appointment if you have sever diabetes, hepatitis, or heart problems.
5. Have all of your facial cosmetic/plastic surgery, skin treatments, laser hair removal, or other skin and eyebrow altering procedures done and healed before the appointment. After the appointment, subsequent service of the mentioned procedures may alter the shape and color of the permanent makeup.

What are the post-procedure cares?

1. Avoid swimming and steamy areas until healed. A shower is recommended over a bath.
2. Touch the treated area only with clean hands.
3. No makeup until the area is healed.
4. Do not wash treated area with soap for the number of days as advised by your technician.
5. Do not pick, scrub, or scratch the treated area.
6. Follow any additional directions from your technician

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